2023 Choral Awards

$300.00 Choral Awards

Saint John High School Concert Choir – Dr. Shirley Dysart C.M. Memorial Plaque & James Venner Russell Memorial Award

Harbour View Chazz – City of Saint John Mayor’s Trophy and James Venner Russell Memorial Award

Seaside Park Elementary School Choir – Saint John Energy Trophy and James Venner Russell Memorial Award

Forest Hills Hillsong Choir – Simonds Trophy and James Venner Russell Memorial Award

Saint John Chorale – David Thomson Memorial Trophy

Saint John High School Concert Choir – Kiwanis Centennial Plaque and Duncan Wathen Memorial President’s Award

Bayside Middle School Choir – Marshall Stout Trophy and James Venner Russell Memorial Award

M. Gerald Teed Grade 2 – Benjamin R. Guss Plaque and NB Protestant Children’s Orphanage Trust Award

$150.00 Choral Awards

Tracy Harkins (M. Gerald Teed Grade 2) Gretchen Betts Trophy and James Venner Russell Memorial Award

M. Gerald Teed Grade 2 – David Thomson Memorial Trophy

Forest Hills School Hillsong Choir – Gloria Richard Plaque and James Venner Russell Memorial Award

Saint John High School Concert Choir – Dr. Kevin Langford/Saint John High School Alumni Plaque and James Venner Russell Memorial Award

Saint John High School Concert Choir – Douglas D. Major Memorial Award

Harbour View Chazz – Royal Canadian College of Organists Memorial Plaque and James Venner Russell Memorial Award

Saint John High School Concert Choir – Dr. Joyce Lumb Memorial Plaque